Career Choices For CMA

Career Choices For CMA

Majority of the candidates of CMA choose this profession for a brighter future and successful career.CMAs can work for family-run business,small and large listed companies,private firms , multinational corporation, not-for-profit organizations,academic institutions and government. In short CMAs can work in a variety of workplaces



This data shows the %age of IMA members who may or may not be CMAs.There are more than 50% industries of manufacturing, finance and business services where CMAs are employed,because these industries prefer professionals who can analyze the financial statements to improve business efficiency and operation.






In this data you can clearly see almost 23% of IMA members are working in general accounting industries  those who specialize in cost and budgeting and planning carry 7% -6%. So we conclude from this CMAs are employed  in variety of industries ,although most of them work in general accounting but also have management roles

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