5 Strategies of attempting CMA MCQS


Before reading this article you should know about CMA prerequisites, exam format, benefits,career choices, in below articles you can resolve all of your queries .

What is CMA? Brief overview

Career Choices for CMA

CMA Exam Content and Format

Hopefully the above articles will help you to continue your career as CMA

In above article CMA exam content and format,you will get to know that CMA both parts consists of 100 multiple choice questions and 2 essay questions , here in this article we will discuss about tips to attempt multiple choice questions

Multiple choice questions are basically designed to confuse the student and not to have obvious answers, just to make sure students have a grip on the topic. Sometimes guessing the question may prove good if few questions answered correct but not always, and with few correct questions you are not going to earn a passing score.In short candidates need to prepare for  the exam not to rely only on guessing the questions

So here are some tips for candidates to attempt the multiple choice questions section:

Understand the requirement of question

Read the question carefully focus on the main requirement asked in the question.After knowing the main requirement try not to only center on all data mentioned in the question after determining , what is the actual question,doing  this will not mislead you to any other connected direction of the question and also help you in managing the test time

Few Questions normally use words: not , except, least, false and these words will be bold but not all the time ,clearly read these questions that ask for exception because they may cause to confuse the candidates

Mark the closest answer in your mind

 After reading the question, make a prediction about the right answer before reading the choices it will help you not to be mislead while reading the choices

If you are sure about the correct answer still  read all the options it will lesson the chances f answering incorrectly



Go through all answer choices

Most of the time choices of question may lead to argument to be correct,but always remember that you have to answer the option which best suite the question’s requirement

Sometimes choices give a clue ,what the question is about,and if you get confused and all of the options seem incorrect reread the question just to ensure main requirement is not missed out


Try to attempt all of the questions

If your answer is incorrect you will not lose points so,  always try to attempt all of the questions, even if you don’t know the right answer because there is almost 25% chance you may answer correctly

Apply some guessing techniques

Sometimes a well prepared candidate may not answer a question because CMA exam covers a large amount of information, in this case guessing techniques proves good for the candidates

You must follow a few of the educated guessing techniques:

·         In calculation type questions you can easily eliminate the wrong options,this will help you to choose the answer from remaining option but this technique is only possible if you are familiar with the topic of the question

·         Pick the best one to remaining two




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